The Insurance Awareness Month Celebration (IAMC) is an annual event observed by all insurers in Ghana. The leadership of the Ghana Insurers Association (GIA) deemed it necessary to dedicate a month to educate the general and insuring public on the significance of insurance and discuss pertinent issues to enhance insurance services in the country, among other objectives.

IAMC typically takes place in June, coinciding with the International Insurance Day Celebration.

The theme for the 2024 IAMC is “Promoting Inclusivity and Accessibility.” This theme was chosen to emphasize the importance of insurance as a financial safeguard and the necessity for everyone, regardless of their circumstances, to have coverage. This year, our focus will be on People Living With Disabilities (PLWD).

Through this theme, we aim to raise awareness among our members about the barriers within our systems that hinder the disability community from accessing insurance. Additionally, we aim to create an inclusive environment for all individuals, regardless of their circumstances.